Recipe with 2.000 chilli sin carne
vegan&moi PURE RED) as the base

2.000 g vegan&moi chilli sin carne
Makes 40 pieces Taco shells or small tortillas
200 g guacamole
200 g sour cream (vegan)
200 g vegan cheese substitute, grated

Herbs as desired for the topping

Spread the tacos out on a clean work surface and place around 2 tablespoons vegan&moiChili sin carne in the middle of each one. Place the tacos upright in a heat-resistant dish. Sprinkle over a little grated cheese, then heat in the oven at 200°C (hot air) for approx. 8 minutes. Remove the hot tacos from the oven. Garnish with guacamole, sour cream and fresh herbs, and serve immediately.

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